Sunday, January 28, 2018

A Democratic Government that authorizes the creation of Legal Fictions must make the Fictions Democratic.

A Democratic Government that authorizes the creation of Legal Fictions ( Corporations) must create those fictions in a 'Democratic Form' and these Corporations must also 'act and live' democratically. All the 'Real People' at the 'Bottom' of a 'Democratic Form' of Government are expected to 'lead Lives' in a 'democratic manner' and according to 'Law'. The People must 'live' according to 'Principles of Freedom and Equality' and in accordance with Law. Since Law created the Legal Fiction, and since the Supreme court decided they were 'Persons' and were entitled to protection by the Constitution, they can also create a Fiction and require that that it live Democratically. Corporations are necessary to the economy. It allows the 'concentration' of economic activity and it gives them an incomparable 'economic Grasp'; and it allows them to achieve a 'tremendously huge Size'. No 'Real Person' in the Social can compete 'economically' with a Legal Fiction; nor can a Real Person 'Outlive' them. ( They can 'voluntarily dissolve' themselves and recreate themselves again under a different Name) No Real Human Being can do that. Real Democracy demands that they should lead democratic Lives also. They should be required to organize their 'functions', as 'Persons', in a manner that fits a more 'comprehensive description' of 'Democratic Economic Activity'. After all, a 'healthy economy' should benefit the 'whole Social' in a Democracy; and one reason there's a 1% is the increased 'economic Grasp' of the Corporation and the 'Individual Greed' that accompanies it. Of course, 'Real Individuals' are behind the 'incorporation process' and the Greed is a 'real Greed' by Real Individuals. Don't kid yourself, the 1% exists and they are Real Individuals and they are all 'Incorporated'. Now, be very careful, I'm not suggesting some 'Redistribution Scheme', I'm suggesting a 'Democratic scheme' where 'Legal Fictions' have more 'Democratic Duties' and where they are 'not allowed' to act and behave as 'Autocrats'. After all, they live in a 'Democracy'. If the Court is calling them 'Persons'; make them like 'Real Persons'. Allow them to 'live' as 'Real persons' do. Real Persons serve Democracy and the 'Common Good'; So should Corporations. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.