Sunday, January 14, 2018

Why do Economists and Capitalists want to become Politicians?

Why do Economists and Capitalists want to become Politicians? Well, there's probably lots of reasons, but the main reason is that they already have lots of Money but they do not have 'Power'. They 'crave' being on the Forbes List, and they own lots of 'Big Buildings', but they do not have Political Power. Some are 'famous', 'respected', some even have 'influence' but, in reality they have no Political Power. Police Officers have more power than 'being Rich' has. I recently read a phrase that went, "We need more Economic Democracy". Well, doesn't That sound like an oxymoron? A Democracy is driven by Freedom and Equality and Capitalism is driven by Profits and Money. Capitalism can not be driven with 'freedom and Equality', try it!; and Democracy can not be driven with 'Profits and Money'; I was going to write, try it!, but unfortunately, we are in the midst of "Government by CEOs". Not only has 'Capitalism' taken over the 'reins of Government' but, they have also created 'artificial economic entities' called "Corporations" ( the Law calls them Legal Fictions) that are also considered 'Real Persons', like you and I, and that can 'contribute' to political campaigns ( Citizens United) and which have a huge 'economic grasp'. These new so-called 'Persons', or, 'Human Beings are protected by the Constitution. But, isn't that a little bit like Alice in Wonderland? I mean, they don't really exist, yet, they have a huge 'influence' in our Economy and Society. Power? No!, influence, and it can be said that even a Legal Fiction does not have Power, it only has influence; lots of influence. We have misplaced the 'Clear Distinction' between 'Democracy' and 'Economics','Capitalism', and 'Money'. Could that be the reason that the 1% has infiltrated the Political World? 'Politics' is about the Top of the Institution of Power; in a Democracy, it can only be driven by 'Freedom and Equality', and that is the 'only source of Power' in the World; the 'Top of Government'. Is it possible that the 1%, realizing that they 'do not have Power', now want to go into 'Politics' to 'acquire Power'? Well, I guess we can say that, because the Top of Government is 'replete with CEOs'. The problem now, that becomes more clear everyday, is that now, that they're driving the Ship of State, they don't know what to do! They have the 'wrong Motor'! Where are the Real Politicians? There has to be someone 'out there' that can stop thinking about 'making more Money'; and that has the 'Political Knowledge' to drive the 'Ship of State'. Political Knowledge and Capitalistic Knowledge are not the same and they have different motors. Those Motors must be kept separate; and they must be used 'properly'. We need Real Leaders.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.