Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The 'basic' tension between the One and the Many is the same as the Tension between a Government and its People.

The 'basic' tension between the 'One' and the 'Many' is the same as the tension between 'a Government' and 'its People'. Of course, there are Many different types of Governments, but the People are 'all' 'Human Beings' and they are all the 'Same'. Nevertheless, all the Forms of government 'exhibit' a 'Basic Relation' between the 'Top and the Bottom'. The Top is always the Institution of Power and the Bottom is always the Institution of 'the People'. The Top is 'Government', or 'Governors', the bottom is always the Governed. The Top is 'One', the Bottom is the 'Many'. The 'further elaboration' of that Basic Relation gives rise to the different 'forms' of the 'State' or the 'Nation' and the different forms of 'Governments' and to the different 'Disciplines of Governing' or simply,'Politics'. 'Kingdoms' didn't have that much of a 'Politics', nor do Autocracies. In those forms of Governing, 'People', 'in general', do not enter the 'equation of Governing'; people are 'tolerated', because they are not considered 'Free and Equal', or to put it differently, they 'don't have a say-so' in the Government to which they were born. In a Democracy the people are considered 'Free and Equal' and hence, they not only have a 'say-so' in Government, but they are the 'Very Source' of the 'attribution of Power' to the Institution of the 'Top of Government'. If there are 'No People' at the 'Bottom', there's 'no one' to Govern. In such a case, from where does the Top get its Power? The Divine Right of Kings claimed they got it from 'The Divinity'. That doesn't work any more. The Autocrat usually 'inherits' it, or gets it by 'force' but, if there are 'no People', who does he Rule? Is he still an 'Autocrat'? Is the 'bully' on Campus, still a Bully; if there is 'no Campus'? The issue I want to clarify is "from where does the 'Institution of Government' gets its Power to Govern? Of course, in a Democracy, the 'People' are the very source of the 'attribution of Power' to the 'Top'. That gives rise to an 'electoral Process' and that gives rise to a very 'important process'; Elections. 'Elections' is what gives rise to 'Politics'; the Art of Politics; Dirty Politics; 'Politically Correct'; Electoral Colleges; etc.; so you see, its not that simple and don't kid yourself, 'Democratic Elections' are not 'without problems', and every so-called 'Democratic election' is not a 'guarantee' that the 'Governing' will be 'Democratic'. No wonder People say, "never discuss Politics while your eating". Where are the real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.