Sunday, May 9, 2021

Why is 'Party Ideology' a 'compromised form' of 'Democracy'.

Why is 'Party Ideology' a 'compromised form' of 'Democracy'? The answer is obvious and the 'Division' at the 'Bottom' can only be called a 'Compromised Form' of 'Democracy'. The 'Division', 'Severance', or 'Fracturing' that results at the Bottom or 'of the Many' causes a weakening of the 'Democracy' because it also causes an 'Unusual Tension'at the 'Bottom' of the 'Relation' between the 'One and the Many'. That Relation is 'descriptive' of the 'proper connection' between the 'Institutional Top' and the 'Many people' at the 'Bottom'. But, today its no longer 'just' the 'Top and the Bottom'. Today, it's an 'Instituional Top' and a transformed Bottom of 'Two Adversarial Clusters' of 'Politically Adversarial Individuals'. Hence, how can the Bottom be called a 'Condition of Togetherness'; a 'Unified Bottom' of 'Freedom and Equality' when there are 'Two Political Ideologys' at the Bottom. The Two Political Parties become Adversaries that demand 'Party Loyalty' and causes 'Friction' at the Bottom, among all the People in a Democracy. Hence, the Bottom becomes 'severed' by Party Ideology into a dualism that is always competitive and never fully Democratic. Of course, they could both be Democratic, but are they? Arn't the Parties 'adversaries' if they create a 'conflict' between two Groups espousing 'oppossing' Political positions? Party members 'do not' easily change 'Party Ideology', but merely increase the 'Tension' at the 'Unified Social' or the 'Bottom'. The effect is that it severs a 'Real Bottom' of 'Democratic Principles'. The Bottom can have its continueing 'States Rights' and 'Federal Constitutional Rights' debates but, 'Both' 'must comply' with a Unified Constitutional Structure. Party Ideologies must also pass the test of a 'Real democracy', otherwise the tension at the Bottom can introduce 'adversarial', 'Undemocratic Values' that arises from the 'Double Standard' and injects 'Economic Values' in the 'Social' that have no place in a 'True Democracy'. 'Money', 'Rich', 'Poor', and 'Homeless', stir-up a Unified, balanced Social.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.