Monday, March 25, 2013

Every Government needs an economy. Every economy needs a government. But, the economy is dependent on the form of government within which it evolved. An organized economy cannot exist without an already existing government. A form of government can 'hold' an economy together, while an economy cannot hold a form of government together. For example; a democratic Government has a Constitutional right to "peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances". Obviously, an economy cannot do that because it functions on the basis of "profits", which is not a democratic activity. Competition is democratic, whenever possible by real individuals, but profits are not democratic. The reason being that without profits there would be no competition; besides, competition between individuals has now become impossible with the creation of artificial human beings, to wit; "legal fictions". Hence,an economy needs a democratic government, but a democratic government does not need a capitalistic economy. So, what can be done with an already established, and effective capitalism that has encased itself within the democratic aspects of government. This requires an extended consideration. Generally, if government 'helped' create the natural evolution of economic entities that eventually led to undemocratic conditions, government must also correct them. Government created them; government fixes them. But how? The corporate entity owes its 'life' to government. Just as government allowed these "fictional entities" to function and amasss huge profits, it can assume more control over the entities. Of course, not complete control, but why allow corporate efficiency to be founded on a fiction called "the market"? Surely, the government is entitled to some leverage with respect to the so-called 'market', other than being totally at its mercy. Government could 'help' create 'markets' as well as 'help' create circulation of the medium of exchange that determines markets. In other words, government could help the economy to function in a more balanced manner by off-setting the tremendous advantage it gave to "legal fictions". All these economic changes to occur within a "soft" capitalism in the direction of a democracy of free and equal, competing individuals. Government must become more involved in economic matters as well as on the freedom and equality of its people.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.