Monday, May 20, 2013

All 'Top /Bottom' words are 'dirty words' in the sense that they are generalizations. When they refer to a political stance, they can be manipulated to the ultimate degree. Take for example, the term "Socialism". "Socialism" means, I guess, the 'social' or society as a whole. Well, everyone knows the 'whole social' cannot act as an entity. Only an individual or some individuals can act, and there are millions of individuals at the Bottom of government. No one individual can act on behalf of the 'social' in some totalizing way. Then why do we label some real individuals political activity as 'Socialistic'? There are no 'social acts'in the sense of some 'totalizing' political activity attribited to the entire Bottom of government. The term "socialism" is a bad selection of political terms. Come to think of it, so are many other political terms. So we have to ask, what in the hell are we? The answer is we are " individuals in a condition of togetherness", just trying to get along under government. We are a society and a government "of People", "by People" and "for People", and we were that, before we divided up into antagonistic factions using warped generalizations that capitalize on empty political 'talk', instead of learning to 'do' politics. To be sure, the term "democracy" has a real meaning, but the only way to keep track of it is to quantify it; (get out of empty abstractions) and form into a real 'condition of togetherness', formed by each and every individual at the bottom of government. The only way to keep track of "democracy" is to count each individual covered by any one policy or law which either 'includes' or 'excludes' certain individuals. For example, the democratic phrase, "everyone is Free and Equal". In a democracy, Freedom and Equality 'includes' everyone. We must include everyone. If we want to 'talk' we can use abstractions, but, if we want to 'do', lets use real democracy.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.