Thursday, May 2, 2013

The fuel for a capitalistic economy is profits. The fuel for a democracy is Freedom and Equality. A Capitalist cannot survive under a non-democratic government. In the same way, a democratic government cannot survive within a 'capitalistic government'. The two value systems are different and must be kept separate. Once the fuel of capitalism begins to influence the Freedom and Equality of democracy, we're in trouble. Why? Because the value system of 'big money' has been substituted for the value system of democracy. Once that takes place, its no longer a question of freedom and Equality. It becomes a question of who 'holds' all the wealth or who is wealthy enough to govern. The strange thing is that most wealthy individuals are dependent on the Freedom and Equality afforded them under a democracy. Without that Freedom and Equality, they could never have accumulated that wealth. Yet, once wealth is acquired, greed sets in. Why should they try to dismantle a system that gave them that wealth? Why can't the two systems work together in a democratic fashion? Why can't economics and capitalism work within the structure of democracy without the need to dismantle democratic principles? The only way a capitalist can keep the wealth he or she has acquired is to keep government democratic. Therein lies the mistake of trying to establish a government by 'capitalism' or the 1%. If we get government by the 1%, its not going to be democratic. Its going to be 'capitalistic' and that means that profits will become the Ideal and that means competition by whatever means, which can only be to topple as many of the 1% as possible because 'greed' and being number 1 will be the goal. A Plutacracy cannot endure in a Nation that has the First Amendment and that has had a taste of Freedom and Equality.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.