Friday, May 3, 2013

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Wrong! People with guns kill people and people with automatic weapons kill many people. Thats why guns and democracy are not a good combination. What I mean by that last statement is that a democracy must have some law or control over the use of guns. Guns can be used for shooting targets, 'game', or for self-defense and protection of property. However, its unbelievable that some individuals think that some control of firearms is considered an attack on the Second Amendment. That's ridiculous. There is a proper use of firearms, but there is no right to take innocent lives of adults or children. Since deranged people can easily get firearms, why not control the EASY AVAILABILITY of automatic weapons. What is sought to be controled is the easy availability of automatic weapons, not the production of weapons nor the right of self-defense nor is it an evisceration of the 2nd Amendment. The proper use of weapons is not being controled, its the improper use of automatic weapons that is being controled. Too often, some 'nut' gets the urge to commit mayhem and takes the lives of innocents. Since weapons for that purpose are easy to get, he gets a weapon that will do the most damage. The saying, "guns don't kill people, people kill people" may be partially true, but why make it easy for the demented to kill many people. In the hands of some 'nut' guns do kill people, sometimes many people; sometimes children. That should be obvious, even to a lobbyist. Some control is essential. The easy availability of automatic weapons can be controled; the foretelling of a deviant personality that will go bonkers cannot be predicted. So, control the easy AVAILABILITY of automatic weapons. Keep in mind that a law cannot be ex-post-facto, and hence cannot deprive the present holders of weapons. But, future transactions can be controled and should be.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.