Saturday, May 18, 2013

The economy of a Nation is a very important part of the Nation. But, its never more important than the government. If the government is a democracy; then its a government, "of people", " by People" and "for People". If the economy is considered primary, the government will be in the 'background' and will be 'motored' by economic principles instead of political principles. If that happens you might as well be considered a Plutocracy. Once money becomes more important than Freedom and Equality, the government "of the People" will be relegated to an almost 'non-existent' social level. Then you can depend on the fact that most, if not all, legislation will be for the benefit and the furthur enrichment of the already rich and the corporations. Even the so-called objective Supreme court, will render decisions like "Citizens", which is the most ludicrous decision ever decided. How can a "legal fiction" participate in politics and how can the decision be justified under the Freedom of Speech Clause in the Constitution? The economy is important and money is essential in a capitalistic economy, but economic principles cannot 'drive' a democracy. Economic principles are based on competition while democratic principles are based on the Freedom and Equality of the individual human condition. These are basic and different principles of organization. Democratic principles are about the political organization of the government and the social. They are about the Freedom and Equality of every individual within the social. No individual has to compete for his Freedom and Equality; its a given in a democratic social. The economy, to the contrary, requires competition among individuals and the Freedom and Equality of the individual plays no part in the scenario. Of course, even competition among individuals has been compromised, because no individual can compete with a corporation. The point is that economic principles and democratic principles of government are different. A democracy should be governed by democratic principles; an economy by economic principles.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.