Sunday, July 14, 2013

Freedom and Equality are important

Freedom and equality are essential in a real democracy; so is a triadic form of government. Of course, a Triadic form of government has an Executive, a Legislative, and a Judicial Branch. As we have pointed out, all Branches are important but, since government follows the form established by the Constitution viz. to protect the Freedom and Equality of all, the interpretive practices of the Judicial become vital. We have constantly said that the Judicial branch must be objective. Is this asking too much? No, the judiciary should not play 'politics' nor can it co-mingle the 'multitudinous aspects' of the social with the elements of democracy. Government is about governing and it should apply democratic principles in compliance with Constitutional standards. Government should be an art in itself. It does not need help from the 'political' realm nor the 'social' realm. However, we must not forget that the Legislative Branch is responsible for passing laws in conformity with the Constitution. The Freedom and Equality guaranteed by the Constitution has to be reduced to practical laws as they apply to the 'daily grind'. Otherwise, Freedom and Equality could not be expected to participate in the every-day existence of the Bottom. This is a very important function of triadic government. Law is the glue that holds the integrity of the Bottom. Without it, we would be at each others throat. Why? Because, the human condition is not all it could be (Sad, but True). The Freedom and Equality that has been guaranteed has to be demarcated by clear legal rules that don't encroach upon F&E while protecting the F&E of each and every individual. In other words, we need Just laws to implement the Constitutional structure. Now, consider the aftermath of the Zimmerman case. Everyone has opinions on what the outcome should have been and is suggesting other means by which to have a different outcome. Most, if not all, opinions are based on personal feelings and insufficient 'evidential' considerations. Unfortunately, that's human nature( Sad, but True). One hopes that the Jury in the case received all the pertinent evidence and the guidelines by which to make a proper decision. So what is there to complain about? Maybe its the law that should be changed? No one is going to change human nature but, maybe we can bring some changes to Law. The point is, if we assume the decision is 'unjust', lets change the rules or laws by which these decisions are made. Lets not hurt each other.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.