Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Government is useless. Government is important.

Government is useless, yet it's important. Sound like an oxymoron? Not really. But, stating it this way helps us focus on the question of the utility of a governing system where One, or a few, govern the Many, or the millions of individuals at the bottom of government. It helps us get closer to the real basis for the existence of governments and their self-proclaimed importance or superiority. Government or the so-called State is an artificial construct erected for the purpose of controlling(governing) the Many people at the bottom. So, if its artificial, why does it have such immense power? Simply, because the Many at the Bottom could not exist any other way. Any large collection of individuals need guidance and a sense of direction. That's why Constitutions are necessary and that's why Constitutions have such immense power. Individuals or groups of People could not exist without some kind of governing structure. Why is one form of government more important than another form? Simply, because governments are crafted by people for people. If any government considers itself more important than its People, it should not exist. Even Kingships severed and divided into smaller groupings which ultimately established their own forms of 'authority'. Families are held together by blood. Governments are held together by the power vested in a Constitution. A government crafted by people is for People and should not be used in any other way. The People are the important 'parts' of any government. The phrase, " We the People..." encapsulates the Bottom of government as the sole reason for existing . Other than this reason, there is no other use for government. Yet, it is shrouded with authority and the power to pass laws to govern the People; all kinds, types, races and 'colors' of people. People must become 'law-abiding', if they are going to survive, and the government must provide Just laws to live by. The People need government and government needs the people.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.