Friday, July 12, 2013

Political values vs economic values.

We have already said that political values and economic values must be kept separate. Of course a political entity can only be held together by political values while a capitalistic economy can only survive if its making a profit. The two systems should not be conflated while at the same time, they are both necessary. The political values are essential to the structure and form of government, while the economic values are necessary for the well being of the social. The factor that welds the two together is money. Money is necessary to exist in any capitalistic society. Instead of the term "money", I will call it "value". Money is value and a medium of exchange. Without a medium of exchange we could not 'manipulate' the economy. But, a medium of exchange is something that must be circulated. If its hoarded and is not exchanged, it hampers the circulation and hence the well-being of the 'individuals as a whole' in the social. If the individuals who have 'hoarded' the most want to 'govern', they must do so with political values and not economic values or standards. What is the likelihood of that? Not to good! Even now we hear of 'government by the 1%' and that would only result in a Plutocracy. Why is that. It may not be necessarily the case, but we cannot exclude greed and the human inclination to want more and more power. Unfortunately, its humans that govern humans. But, we can hope for the best. If the government is governed democratically, then every individual will be Free and Equal and can compete in the social and the economy. Of course, the corporate world enters at this point. No individual can compete with a corporation. Its at this juncture that we need to keep political values separated from economic values. The economy is important, but the retention of Freedom and Equality is fundamental to democracy. A democracy cannot exist without Freedom and equality and there is no equality between an individual and a corporation.

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