Sunday, July 7, 2013

The essence of democracy.

The essence of democracy is 'the People'. 'The people' are constituted by each individual. Individuals, each and every one, are all human beings and each human being is a unique expression of life. Everyone is in the same unique situation on this earth viz., how do we survive? If there were only three or four human beings on the planet, it may not have been necessary to have governments. Who needs government? Better yet, who needs institutionalized government? Well, the case is that there are millions and millions of people on the planet and hence there has to be some kind of order among the multitudes. At this stage of life, everyone is born within an established Nation or Country and no one, really, has a choice as to where that will be. As someone said of the 'soul', "we are born in a dying animal". Similarly, we are born into a Nation or a political entity. 'Life' is not a choice, its an 'expression'. Each Nation may be politically different, but there seems to be a move in the direction of the democratic form of government. Why is that? Simply, because the 'condition of togetherness' has become necessary in order for any one individual to continue in his/her life on this planet; hence its necessary to come together. The many different forms of government become necessary in order to protect the individual within their jurisdiction. But, what is, or what should be, the unifying principle behind the formation of any government? Simply; the individual human being. Democratic government is a triadic form where power sits on Top and the Judicial interprets the expression and uses of that power and everything that is done is for the benefit of the individual at the Bottom who exists and continues to exist, in the 'condition of togetherness'. Without the 'condition of togetherness', we cannot survive. But, keep in mind; the most important aspect of any and all government, especially the democratic form, is that all government should be "for the People".

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.