Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A human Individuals first experiences, are of freedom and equality.

Every individual, when born, first experiences the freedom and equality of the human condition. Of course, there are many different limitations to this 'holistic' experience. Nevertheless, I refer to an early age, when, as children, we first 'confront' our lives. This is our first experience of freedom and equality. Of course, there are some children who, because of where they are born, may never have had this experience. The last sentence, refers to children we often see pictured on our T V screens, who look emaciated and hungry. The normal trajectory of childhood is usually one that has 'feelings' of both freedom and equality. There are no 'feelings' of 'limitation' of this freedom, and there are no 'feelings' about the 'inequality' of the Other. But, childhood changes rapidly, and as it does, it becomes a 'life' seeking ways to express itself by 'expanding' on this sense of 'freedom and equality'. As we grow older we come face-to-face with governments that either limit these natural human values or who protect them. Autocracies limit and control these human values; Democracies should respect and protect these human values. No one has a choice on where s/he is to be born. But, for the fortunate, these first experiences of freedom and equality become ingrained into our very nervous systems. How then, can we, and the 'less fortunate', be expected to live under a form of government that does not recognize, respect, and protect these natural values? Its unbelievable! Government has no 'priority' over the human condition,( we were here first) and it is not superior( its just a man-made institution) to the human condition. To the contrary, government is dependent on the human condition and if it was not for humans 'living in a condition of togetherness', there would be no need for government. How then, can government show disrespect and not protect that which preceded it; which is natural, and, we might even say, Divine. No!, governments do not 'rule' humans; humans made government possible and hence governments should show respect and protect, the human condition which 'allows' governments to assume an 'institutional condition of power'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.