Sunday, February 9, 2014

Democracy must be 'kept separate' from the 'value system' of the economy.

A Constitutional Democracy and a Capitalistic economy are 'motored' by two different 'value systems'. Democracy is 'motored' by the "Freedom and Equality" of each individual, while the economy is 'motored' by the profit motive. No one enters business with the attitude of not making a profit. In the same manner, no one should enter politics unless s/he is motivated by the Constitutional requirement that each and every individual under democratic government is Free and Equal. Two different motivations. If a democracy of all the People is 'reduced' down to just a few individuals, we have an Oligarchical type of government. If an economy is motored by a few huge corporations, we have an Oligopoly. We can have an Oligarchy and an Oligopoly at the 'same time', but we can't have either one and a democracy at the same time. Democracy stands alone, and by this I mean the 'value system' of democracy applies to each and every individual in the democracy. No preferential treatment and no 'shift' from the freedom and equality of each individual to the 'profits' value system of the economy. A 'shift' to the 'economic value system' can be disastrous to the highly regarded 'individuality' of a democracy. Oligarchy and Oligopoly equals to the 1%. The Many at the Bottom of government cannot be governed by a mere 1%, or by a 'few' corporations. 1% cannot govern 99%. But, 100%( I include the 1%)can govern the 100% in a democracy, if the freedom and equality is retained in the system of government and the 'profit motive' is remanded to the economy, where it belongs. Democratic government is 'representational' in nature, hence is referred to as 'self-government' and self-government means everyone in a democracy. At no time is the 'democratic motor' replaced by the 'economic motor'. To do so is to reduce the 'dignified freedom and equality' of the human condition, to a mere economic principle of uncontrolled greed.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.