Thursday, February 13, 2014

The economy is a 'value system', but it's not a democratic 'value system'.

As we have pointed out before, the economic system is driven by a different 'motor' than the democratic system. The criticism of the 99% by the 1%, is the 'living proof' that our political system is being 'driven' by an economic motor. Shamefully, the 1% states, the 99% is already rich by 'worldly standards', so stop complaining. How Plutocratic can we get. The 'obscene' accumulation and concentration of 'profits' by the 1% is stark evidence that those with 'lots' of money just want more. What happens to the Constitutional values of freedom and equality for all the individuals at the Bottom of government? I know that not everyone wants to be 'obscenely' rich. Of course, being rich and being obscenely rich is two different things. I know, and I'm sure you know, that some individuals, although well-to-do, but not rich, are 'satisfied' with their economic standard. It seems that the 1% gets carried away with 'more and more'. That's called greed. Of course, not all rich people occupy the 1% level of economic accumulation. But, the 1% unquestionably thinks in a Plutocratic manner. Why else would a Supreme Court decide that a corporation has a Constitutional right to 'freedom' of speech? A recognized "legal fiction", all of a sudden, develops the human faculty of speech. If the corporation is a fiction, so is the 'faculty of speech'. That sounds like Alice in Wonderland. Economic values are taking over; we're going down the 'economic drain'. We can't let that happen, we are a democracy and the political struggle with some Party loyalists is that they want a Plutocracy. A Plutocracy means that the 'voice' of the people will be squelched. If that happens, only the 1% will have a voice. In a democracy the 'voice of the People' comes from the Bottom, not the Top.

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