Friday, February 14, 2014

In a Democratic government the People retain control

In a Democratic government, the People at the Bottom retain control of the government. How is this possible? Well, first notice that whoever ascends to the pinnacle of power has to be voted in. When someone is voted in, its always for a short period of time. Hence, that person can be replaced or a new person can be selected for the position. This applies to every political office, of course, except for Supreme Court jurists. 'Control' by the Bottom can only occur if the Bottom 'keeps tabs' on the performances of any one particular office. Nevertheless, the 'watchful eyes' of the Bottom are always there. Of course, every Political office can engage in political shenanigans that do not reflect a real democracy. That can happen in the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch and, unfortunately, the Judicial Branch. Nevertheless, there is some semblance of control by the Bottom of government. Well, you will say, what if those in power change the rules by which we select governments and honker-down on their positions, and their selected group, or Party, and keep the 'imbalance' going? For example; what if a Plutocracy assumes power and perpetuates Plutocracy. True, that's possible, but unlikely. You see, the Founding Fathers, which gave us the structure of democracy, also gave us another means of controlling the government; and that is the First Amendment. The People have a Right to "peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". All other possibilities, for whatever reasons, failing, the "People" have a Constitutional Right to 'revolution'. Some will say, that's extreme; no its not, 'real' human beings retain the dignity, integrity, freedom and equality, of the human condition at all times; even against undemocratic government.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.