Saturday, March 28, 2015

In a 'democratic economy', the 'People' have duties to 'democratic laws and principles'; so should the 'Corporate Persons'.

In a Democracy, the People must adhere to democratic principles. Of course, the People are Free and Equal within the system, but, if they should drift away from democratic principles, they must contend with the structure of the social, and the attendant laws that governs activities within the social and the economy. That basic rule applies to every Government. People must live according to the established ideology and the established social and economic practices of the society. That is one of the problems within the economy in a democracy. Any kind of 'legal control' over economic activity would be considered socialistic, and hence, not good. And that might be the case, if government was to acquire control over the 'profits motor' of the corporation. But, that's not what I'm saying and that's not the issue. The issue is that corporations are considered 'persons' under Constitutional protection, and that's also well and good. But, the fact is that corporations cannot be punished like a human being can be punished for violating the laws of their society, and that might be good also. But, the problem remains, and that is that corporations are artificial 'persons' who have been 'given' a tremendous economic grasp, but no 'democratic duties'. Of course, an important issue is, "what are 'democratic economic duties,'"? There are no easy answers. Nevertheless, it would seem that if they had 'economic democratic duties' also, there would be 'less concentration' of monies within the corporate structure, and hence, less inclination to hoard money in the top 1%. Now, to be clear, these democratic principles would not be 'government laid laws', but their own 'corporate laid rules' of functioning, within a democratic society. That is 'not socialism', because it is not governmentally instituted. It would be their 'own democratic manner' of 'existing' within a democratic society, of real individuals and 'legal fictions', living alongside each other. After all, government creates 'legal fictions'. 'Legal fictions' should have duties also, like all 'real people' do. Stop the hoarding, and implement democracy!

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.