Thursday, March 19, 2015

There comes a time when Government must ask itself, "what can I do for my People"?

There comes a time when 'Government' must ask itself, "what can I do for my People? Obviously, the need for Government is always present because there are 'Many' people and People need Government. If People and Corporate Institutions, are Free and Equal, they are free to inquire, produce, manufacture, better and better living conditions and better 'products'. 'Technology' and 'computational skills' advance very rapidly. The 'employees' and the 'economic positions', are being replaced by technology and computerized 'advances'. In other words, real People are finding themselves out of a job, or out of a 'position', in the economy. Government and advancing technology, are becoming more dependent on new technological developments, and less dependent on real People, and Government must ask itself, what are we going to do with the 'work force'? The 'assembly line' no longer needs People, it needs technology and technology is producing better and better products. Technology has replaced the human being in our societies and in our economy. So, what happens to the real People? That's why I say, Corporations need to become more 'democratic', and Government must provide for the human welfare. A Government, and an Economy, and a Social, cannot say, "I don't need People anymore, so I will not provide for their 'General Welfare'. The reason People need Government is because Law and Order and provisions for the General Welfare becomes imperative. There is no other need for Government. Government does not have a 'life' of its own. It cannot exist without People, and if it has People, it has a duty to provide for their General Welfare; that means their health, safety, economic, work, jobs, and subsistence, in general. If a Nation has People, it has a duty to govern them, and to provide for their General Welfare. Governments and Economies cannot say, "we have advanced so much that we don't need People anymore. People need Government, but Government must provide for its People. There's no other need for Government.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.