Friday, March 27, 2015

The problems in a Democracy are not structural; they are 'People' problems.

A Democracy, 'of the People', 'by the people' and 'for the People', has many problems. Some of those problems can be considered as 'People problems'. By that, I mean, that the 'form' of Government is the best there can be; but, the People themselves 'inject' problems into the structure itself. In other words, given a Democratic form of Government- a good 'workable form'- the People themselves begin to 'divide-up' among themselves. They form 'antagonistic political Parties' that begin to tear the democratic structure apart. Why is it that Parties cannot get together on a common approach to real democracy. For example, a basic principle of democracy is the 'Freedom and Equality' of each and every individual living within the Nation. Yet, we have 'racial discrimination'; 'economic discrimination'; 'class discrimination'; and we have 'gender discrimination'. How can that be justified in a political system that is based on the Freedom and Equality of everyone? A Democracy has a Government, of real People, and for real People, yet Corporations, whose economic 'grasp' is incommensurable, is protected to the extent that 1% of the 'population', if not less, holds all the 'wealth' in the Nation. We give lip-service to Freedom and Equality, yet are rife with 'discriminations' of all kinds. There's nothing wrong with the 'form' of the Government; its the 'representatives' who run it. The 'politicians' cause the divisions among themselves; they divide into antagonistic Parties, and proceed to rip democracy asunder.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.