Monday, March 9, 2015

Individuals living in a Nation have 'privacy', Nations do not 'need' nor 'have' privacy.

Individuals, or human beings, all have a 'right to privacy'. That's should be obvious to everyone. Nations, being verbal abstractions and having a 'National Identity', do not have privacy, nor do they need privacy. Their activities are completely 'representational', and hence, have political value only to the extent that they 'represent the Individuals'. Following the same line of reasoning, that the individual is more important than the Nation; the Individual constitutes the 'flesh and bone' of the 'abstract Nation'. Don't get me wrong, the Nation is important, even 'very important'. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that its an 'abstract entity' with tremendous power. But, the individuals 'compose' the Nation; they create a Nation to 'protect', 'provide' and 'organize politically', 'socially', 'legally', and 'institutionally', the General Welfare of the Individual. Nations are 'not' living entities, and since their function is a 'representational one', they cannot have a 'right to privacy'. What does that mean? It means that complete political transparency is essential to the 'representative' function. Nations don't have 'secrets'. They're 'transparent vehicles' for the 'abstract function' of political 'representation' of the human condition. Hence, Nations cannot 'spy' on their own constituents. That would entail an attribution of 'having its own existence' as some 'independent' political entity, with its own 'life' principle. That is ludicrous and cannot be. Sure Nations are important and even, very important, but lets not go overboard. Nations exist because 'real' individuals 'created' them. Nations need to understand the 'political part' they 'play' in the 'representational function' of the political 'condition of togetherness'. Nations cannot 'spy' on the 'privacy' of the Individual. That's a 'wrong use' of 'political power'.

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