Tuesday, January 7, 2020

When the Top of Power 'destabilizes' in a Democracy, the 'Bottom' begins to 'splatter'.

When the Top of Power 'destabilizes' in a 'Democracy', the Bottom begins to 'splatter' in every direction. No longer a 'cohesive Bottom' of 'Freedom and Equality', the bottom becomes 'unmanageable and antagonistic'. The general sense of stability weakens and the different 'Races' and 'belief systems' begin to 'turn' against each other. Democracy has Power at the Top, but if the Top does not exercise its Power in a 'proper way', there is 'nothing' to hold the Bottom together. That occurs when the Top is governed by 'economic Principles' or when there's a lack of 'Political Knowledge' at the helm. Governments, all Governments, whether Democratic or Not, are 'Political Entities' and when they are not 'Governed' or 'Ruled' by their 'Political Ideology', they 'weaken' and 'eventually disintegrate'. But, if the Political Ideology holds together, there is a possibility for their 'Bottom' to hold together. Governments as 'Political Entities', or 'Real Governing Agencies' have a better chance of 'living in a Condition of 'Political Togetherness' then 'Billions of Individuals' living without any kind of Governing Principles. Why is it that Different Political Ideologies can live together in the World, while Billions of Individuals cannot. The answer is Politics. But Political Leaders must learn to hold their Nations together and 'resolve' Political Differences with 'Political Principles' and not 'Economic Principles' or 'Personal Inclinations'. 'Political Entities' are 'Huge' and should be 'disciplined Entities', while Individuals have 'less' Political Inclinations then do 'Political Entities'. An 'Individuals' 'immediate concerns' are more attuned to 'Personal Life-Styles' and they leave 'Political Concerns' to the 'Political Realm'. An Individual cannot hold together a Political Entity, while a Political Entity can hold together the 'Many' Individuals at the Bottom. The Issues are issues of 'Political Entities', 'Political Power', and 'Politics'. In a Democracy, that requires a 'thorough Knowledge' of Political Principles and the 'Right Spirit' for 'Governing'. In a Democracy a 'Leader' cannot 'Govern' with 'Personal Inclinations'. A 'Leader' needs a thorough Knowledge of 'Political Principles' and 'Politics'. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.