Friday, January 31, 2020

In a Political Entity, the 'Top' is 'necessary'; How is the 'Form' of Government justified?

In a Political Entity,the 'Top of Power' is 'Necessary'; all Political Entities have their own 'Top' and 'Form' of Government. Why is there a difference? There are many Forms of 'Government'; some 'Forms' don't even 'look like' or resemble a 'Government', as we know it. Some, like the Family; we must surmise, grew out of a 'Closeness' between the 'Individuals'; and some among other Individuals being born in 'proximity' to each Other; like a 'Tribe or Group'. Then something must have happened; a particular 'land area' began to 'Feel' like 'Home' and then 'began' to be considered 'as Home'. My Land; our land; It was 'Given a Name' and whether 'mental' or 'actual', the 'circumference and size' was 'delineated' and called 'Our Home'. The above 'sequence' can't be justified, but the process must have been 'similar'. Different 'Races' came into being and different 'Areas' acquired a certain 'Identity' and 'Independence'. The 'Immigrant was Born'. A Human Being who will never understand the trajectory, acquires an 'Identify' and 'must survive' in the World. Of course, 'Human Kind' begins to establish control over his /her Land and 'Nations' are Born. 'Identifies' come into existence, then 'control', then 'Power at the Top'. Politics is Born. Since all Human Beings are Equally Human; 'no 'One' is 'Superior' to Another. Of course, 'Nations' are 'Institutions' and justify their 'existence' and their 'authority' differently. A 'Political Entity' takes 'Form' and the 'Institutional Power' at the 'Top' becomes defined; Monarchy; Autocracy', Oligarchy; Plutocracy, and much later, 'Democracy'. 'Power' at the 'Top' and the 'Many Peoples' at the 'Bottom'. From the 'Divine Right of Kings' to 'Government of the People', 'by the People' and 'For the People'. Only a Democracy respects the 'Freedom and Equality' of 'each and every' Real Individual at the Bottom. Hence the need to 'transfer authority' to 'Govern' to the 'Top'; 'Representative Government is Born', but 'only' for a 'short period of time'. The Center of Gravity of 'Governing' in a 'Democracy' is always the 'Many Peoples' at the 'Bottom'. The 'Top' is always 'Representative'. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.