Friday, January 3, 2020

Democracy is a 'functional discipline' that 'Institutionalizes' the 'Bottom' as an expresseion of 'Freedom and Equality'.

Democracy is a 'functional discipline' that 'Institutionalizes' the 'Bottom' as an expression of 'Freedom and Equality'. How is this to be accomplished? Of course, 'Political Discipline' is the discipline that must be made 'functional'. No other discipline will suffice. Economic disciplines are also necessary aspects of a 'Democratic Social'. But, economic discipline 'cannot drive' a democracy of 'Freedom and Equality'. It can drive, and does, the 'Corporate Economy' of 'Legal Fictions'. But, it has no control. The Corporate Society has torn loose from governmental Control and is pretty much on its own. Legal Fictions were created, as 'Persons' in 'contemplation of Law', for 'protection', but now they run 'amok'. Abusing their status as 'Constitutional Persons', their sole concern is always 'more and more' of the 'same'. But, the availability of their 'products' or 'services' never comes into view. The 'Business Corporation' needs to be re-designed. They need to be more responsible and they need to be 'more democratic'. After all, they got 'Constitutional Protection'; why not 'Democratic Duties' as all other 'Persons' in the 'Social' have. How can a Person at the Bottom, without any technical knowledge, participate in 'economic activity' ( work) if they are not equipped to function as 'technicians'. They say, many 'new jobs' are available, but only the 'Few' can 'function there'. The Business Corporation is not a 'Real Person' like you and I, so why should it get 'special treatment', or Constitutional Protection? Since, the Law has created the Business Corporation, why shouldn't they become 'more democratic'. Business Corporations are 'necessary', but so are 'Democratic Duties' of 'Freedom and Equality'. After all we are a 'Democracy'. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.