Sunday, January 26, 2020

The most important Relation in a Political Entity is the relation of the Top to the Bottom.

The most important Relation in a 'Political Entity' is the 'Relation' of the 'Top to the Bottom'. If we are talking 'Politics' or 'Political Entities', we are talking about a 'Structure' or a 'Form of Organization' that allows for 'Governing' the 'Many' by 'One' or the 'Few'. The Top always has 'Power' and the 'Bottom' is the 'Governed' or the 'Ruled'. But, many other 'factors' enter into the Relation. Every Political Entity must also have a 'Social' and an 'Economy'. No 'large group' of 'Human Beings' can 'hold together' without some 'form' of 'Political Organization' and it has gotten to the point where the 'Economic Arena' has acquired importance. These 'factors' all 'effect the Social', and the 'Political'. The importance of the Economic is unquestioned. But, one must ask, why? Simply, the Political is under authority of the 'Political Form' of the Nation, while the Economic is 'Capitalistic' and whose 'Unique Productive Form' is somewhat 'unrestrained'. A Nation cannot survive without an 'Economy' and therein lies a subtle 'danger'. The 'Economic' permeates all the 'Real Individuals' at the Bottom. That's why the Supreme Court created a 'Person" in contemplation of Law' protected by the Constitution. An Individual lives within the 'political Form' of the Government, but is not always in contact with its 'Institutional Nature'; while the 'Economic' permeates every 'moment' of an 'Individuals Life'. We cannot survive without Government, but we cannot survive 'one day' without the 'Economic'. Its very easy for a 'Political Entity' to be dominated by the 'Nature' of a 'Capitalistic Economy'. If the Economy is Capitalistic, 'economic production' becomes 'very important' and the 'Corporate Nature' seeps into the 'Political' and acquires 'dominance'. No 'Real Individual' can compete with a Social formed by 'Corporate Structures' or 'Legal Persons' or 'Legal Fictions'. So now, we use our Time to Count our Money and forget about our Freedom and Equality. We literally 'create' a 'Class Society' by 'embracing abstract Fictions' called Money. The Economic 'Pours in' and the 'Freedom and Equality' goes out the Window. Where are the Real Politicians?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.