Friday, April 10, 2020

The Human Condition has to Survive; Government can be 'Relaxed' and 'Politics can be Replaced'.

The 'Human Condition' has to Survive; 'Politics' can be Replaced. 'Democrats' and 'Republicans' can be Replaced. Any 'Political Entity' can be replaced and so can 'Its Ideology'. Consider this Possibility. All Political Ideologies and Leaders begin to emphasize the importance of the survival of the 'Bottom' of 'their Political Entity, or, more specifically, the 'Human Beings' that 'occupy' such Bottom. That does not mean they 'forget', 'change' or 'give up' their 'Ideology'; it only means that the 'Political Nature' of its 'Institutional Entity' is 'relaxed' and a 'different aspect' of the same Entity is 'emphasized'; not changed, not replaced. In other words, the 'Human Condition' takes priority. This applies to the Big Corporations also. Its said we live in a 'Corporate Society'; so now is the 'Time' to 'demonstrate that'. Have you noticed how some very 'Rich Individuals' have begun to 'contribute, towards the 'Eradication' of the 'Virus'? They don't have too, yet 'there they are'. Where are the 'Huge Corporations' or the so-called 'Constitutional Persons' that actually 'function' in the 'area' of 'medical Care' and the 'Production of Drugs and Medicines'. Why do they wait on 'Government actions', and 'Most Important', where is the 'So called' 'Democratic' Government, a Government 'Of the People', 'By the People' and 'For the People'. 'Of the People' only means the 'Individual' at the 'Bottom' has 'occupied the Top of Power'. 'By the People' only means that 'Individual' 'runs' or 'does' the 'Governing'. What happened to 'For the People'? That means 'all Governing' is 'For the General Welfare'. If the 'Top' is not concerned with 'protecting the general Welfare', its time to change the 'Top'. The Top has the 'where-with-al' to 'apply' 'Intelligent Governing' to the 'Problematic'. Where is the 'Humanity' and the 'Intelligence' of all our Leaders?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.