Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Why isn't there a 'Legal Cause of Action' for 'Negligence' or 'Incompetency' in Political Science?

Why isn't there a 'Legal Cause of Action' for 'Negligence' or 'Incompetency' in 'Political Science'? Of course, everyone Knows that 'Politics' is not a 'Science'. But then, neither is the 'Everyday Conduct' of the 'Human Condition'. Yet, the 'Human Individual' can be found Negligent with respect to His/her human Conduct. An 'Individual is Responsible' for his 'Conduct' and if He/she doesn't live up to a certain Level of 'Reasonable Conduct' and causes 'Injury', S/he can be sued for 'Negligence'. Of course, 'Personal Conduct' and 'Politics' is 'not the 'Same Thing', but 'Pretty Much' the Same thing'. There are standards for the 'Ordinary Life'. Why not 'Standards for Politics' and the 'Individuals' in 'Political Office'. It requires a certain 'Responsibility' to 'Live' and 'Exist' in a 'Democracy'. An 'Autocracy' also requires a certain manner of 'Living' and 'Existing'. But, it seems obvious that the 'Living and Existing' is not the 'Result' of a 'Freedom and Equality' acceptable to 'Autocratic Ideology'. But, lets return to the basic Issue. All 'Political Offices' should have 'Qualifications' and 'Standards'. Failing that, 'the People' can Initiate a cause of Action. Its Ridiculous to say the 'Senate and the House' can 'Impeach' and then say that 'only the Senate and the House' must 'Agree'. Hey, the 'Bottom' has already 'divided' into 'Political Parties'! They already caused a 'division'; add to that 'Party Loyalty'; and be 'assured' that there will never be a 'Meeting of the Minds'. It seems 'Logical' that once 'Incompetency' or 'Disloyalty' has been 'Identified', there should be a Remedy; 'not a Political Remedy' that allows the 'Incompetency and Disloyalty' to continue until the 'End of the Term of Office'. To continue Incompetency and Disloyalty until the expiration of the 'Term of Office' is 'Dangerous'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.