Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Any Citizen; any Gender; can 'Campaign' for Political Office.

Any Citizen; any Gender; can 'Campaign' for 'Political Office'. That was not always the Case, or maybe we should say; Equality, for a Long Time, and even today, never seemed to 'live up' to its 'Democratic Meaning'. In a Democracy, it means the 'Entire Human Condition' is Equal. There are 'No distinctions' between 'Rich', Poor, Educated, Uneducated, Racial differences, sick, crippled, color of skin, large or small. A Human Being is a Human Being and every 'Human Citizen' is 'Equal and Free'. That 'Equality' and that 'Freedom' is both a 'Natural Equality' and a 'Natural Freedom' and an 'Institutional Equality' and an 'Institutional Freedom'. Everyone lives within 'Political Boundaries' and the 'Polity' describes the 'Nature' of the 'Governmental Institution' and its 'Powers'. Since the Crafting of the Constitution, that has always been the Case. Nevertheless, Democracy has 'Grown and Matured' as the 'Human Condition' has 'Changed' and 'Matured'. Today, we 'understand' 'many Things' we never 'understood before', or maybe we did, but 'never did anything about it'. Democracy has 'Matured', why can't the 'Human Condition' become more 'Mature'? Surely, if all Democracies are evolving to a 'better understanding' of 'Freedom and Equality'; so can the 'Human Condition'!. Certainly we are 'Human First' and then 'Institutional Nationalists'. But, 'Institution's' and 'Governmental Polities' are guided by 'Rules, Regulations, and Laws'. Its Democratic to allow 'anyone' to 'Run for Political office'. But, where are the Requirements, Rules, Regulations and laws for that Honorable Quest? Certainly the Highest and 'Most Powerful Offices' in the 'Land' requires comparable 'Moral Qualities' and 'Intellectual Ability'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.