Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The 'Danger' in a 'Democracy' is that 'any Individual' can become its 'Leader'.

The 'Danger' in a 'Democracy' is that 'any Individual' can run for 'Election' and become its 'Leader'. We have to ask, What are the Qualifications for Running? Well, there are no Qualifications as regards 'Knowledge and Competency'. The only criteria we have is that the Top must 'Govern' the 'Bottom'; 'not' 'Rule the Bottom'. In other words, being a Democracy, the Top must "promote the General Welfare". It must also Respect and Defend the 'Freedom and Equality' of every 'Real Individual' at the 'Bottom'. So how does the 'Bottom' determine if this 'Candidate' is qualified to do that? Its not easy to determine. There may be a few things to look at, and to consider, but we never know the 'inner workings' of the 'Human Mind'. What should be obvious is that the Individual must understand that s/he must 'Govern', 'not Rule'; and s/he must reflect a certain 'Selflessness'. Selflessness and a desire to 'Serve the People' at the 'Bottom'. The most 'Powerful Office' at the 'Top' must Serve and Govern, and not Rule. It must 'Protect' the 'Freedom and Equality' of all Individuals. That raises a serious issue in a 'Corporate, Capitalistic Economy'. 'Business Corporations' generate lots of 'Profits'. They are 'designed' to do that; and only that; and being 'selfless' and practicing 'Freedom and Equality' at the Bottom will not 'motor the Economy'. 'That' is not 'very Profitable'. A Successful Businessman has a lot of trouble 'thinking Outside the Box'. So great care must be exercised by the 'Electorate' in 'choosing' a Leader who has been a 'Successful Businessman', a 'Billionaire', or a 'Millionaire'. 'Democratic Politics' and 'Governing' is an 'entirely different Game' from that of the 'Economy'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.