Sunday, February 14, 2021

Why can't Business Corporations function Democratically?

A 'Business Corporation' is considered as a 'Person' in 'Contemplation of Law'. Of course, Corporations, like other smaller Business entities, have their 'expenses', pays Taxes, as does a 'Real Individual'. They must also 'survive' in the Economic area as all Real Individuals also do. Yet, they are 'Money Making Machines' and are 'created' for a 'specific business purpose by 'By-laws' that states the purpose for their Incorporation, and regulates their Internal Structure, and Function. Their sole purpose, as set out in their by-laws, is for the Specific Production of an Item and its sole goal is to make a Profit'. It cannot exist for any other reason. A Real Individual doesn't have that luxury. A real Individual has a family and his expenses cover a 'variety of necessities'. Those 'necessities and expenses' are essential to living an 'acceptable life'. They must be paid. A Corporation doesn't have a Family, Medical Bills, food expenses, housing expenses and family expenses, such as health of family, education, and for the education of the family members. An Individual does. Is it any wonder we are considered a Corporate Society? Business Corporations are money making machines. Is it any wonder that our economy is lopsided. Why can't a Business Corporation function more Democratically? Parts of their 'money-making' could go towards establishing a more 'balanced Social' and towards a more 'balanced Economy'. Every Business Corporation should have a 'Department and a Function', created by their By-Laws that requires that they 'function' and contribute towards a more balanced Economy and a more balanced Democracy.

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