Wednesday, February 3, 2021

In a Democracy, the 'Bottom' has a 'Multitude of Individuals'; some of whom want to "GO" to the Top.

In a Democracy, the 'Bottom' has a 'Multitude of Individuals'; some of whom want to get to the Top. How is this phenomena controlled? By 'controlled', I don't mean 'absolute control' because that would be Autocratic, but, some kind of 'Democratic Control' that is 'Fair and Equal' to all who want to engage in 'Political Office'. Certainly, 'Rules' can be 'Fair and Democratic'. It has become obvious that Many so-called Politicians have become 'Office Holders' and are not in the least bit 'Democratic', nor interested in Democracy, but are 'Small', 'Uninformed', 'Autocrats'. Of course, some are Educated; some are Rich, and some even Billionaires. ( of course, I do not refer too every Educated, Rich, or Billionaire in the U.S. as I dont refer to everyone in Political Office.) But, the Bottom, during Election Time, has turned into some kind of Bar-Room Brawl.( here again, I use a Metaphor and don't reference Bar Rooms in general)There is no Order, nor requirements in the Political Activity of a Democracy. The activity is completely left up to the person engaged in Politics. Legal Profession has requirements; Medical Profession has requirements, and Many other disciplines have requirements and conditions that have to be met. Why, does the most important Position- being a 'Leader' of a Political 'Democratic Entity'- not have Requirements? Does that make sense? Surely, Honesty, Integrity and Fundamental Knowledge of 'Democracy' and 'Political Activity' should be required. And if a 'Genuine Candidate' should appear and not have the Money, He or She should be provided the Monies and the Means. This Nation finances many things, why not a 'qualified candidate' for President? Is 'Party Loyalty' so entrenched that it can't provide Real Leadership? How do we get someone who is really interested in the 'general Welfare' and the 'Blessings of Liberty'?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.