Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Why is the Human Condition so infatuated with Political Power?

Why is the Human Condition so infatuated with Political Power? There are no 'simple answers' and there have to be 'Many Answers'. There are as 'many answers' as there are Human Beings, at the Top, as well as the Bottom. How Sad. Of course, many Individuals don't really care to become Politicians, and are satisfied with living a 'Democratic Life', in 'Freedom and Equality'. Of course, there are those who wish to serve the Political Entity and Rightfully so, but, in a Democracy, Service 'must be' or 'should be' Democratic and some Politicians do serve in such a Democratic Manner. But, there seems to be those who do not seem to care to much about 'Public Service'; 'Freedom and Equality' at the Bottom; and 'Serving Constitutionally' at the Top. Some seem more concerned with the 'emoluments' of Office or the 'Exercise of Power'. I say, 'more concerned', because there is some 'proper exercise' of Political Power that is essential, practical, and necessary. But, sometimes one can detect subtle statements and some, not so suble, about lengthening the 'Tenure of Office', 'challenging the results of an Election', and even 'seeking help' from sources outside the 'involved' Political Entity. That kind of 'political activity' reflects an exercize of Power that is not Democratic and a 'Personal Attitude' that reflects an 'egoistic preoccupation' with 'Power' and its 'Emoluments' and an attempt to circumvent Democratic Institutions an installing 'Autocratic Institutions'. A Democracy will not last long when there are attempts to change the 'Political Ideology'. Any changes in Ideology and emphasis on 'Personalities', so-called 'Important People', or, 'Rich Individuals', or 'Strong Individuals' usually recognized as 'Desotic Individuals', will destroy Democracy and with that, will 'Destroy America'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.