Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Trump Years have brought forth 'Divisions' in the 'Social' that 'think' like an 'Autocrat'.

The 'Trump Years' have brought forth 'divisions' in parts of the 'Social' that 'think' like an 'Autocrat'. Autocracy and Democracy are Political Ideologies and should not define the 'Individual Personality'. Of course, the Individual 'Personality' has greater 'freedom of movement' and 'expression' than does a 'Political Ideology'. A Political Ideology is 'fixed; as to 'Political Form' and 'Political Structure'. Whereas, a 'Personality' is never so fixated as to avoid changes caused by the 'Enviornment'and the 'Social' and the 'Political Field'and the 'Economy'. Why? Because the 'Human Being' is a 'Persona' or 'Personality' and has a 'flexibility' not granted to a 'Corporate Structure'. A Human Being is 'born', 'not Created' by another 'Human Being'. He or She is 'Real' and 'not' a 'Fiction' nor a 'Legal Fiction'. But, the Supreme Court, in its 'infinite wisdom' has held that the 'Business Corporation' is a 'Persona' in 'contemplation of Law'. If Business Corporations are considered 'Persons' in the Economy, shouldn't 'they also' exist in the same 'Democracy' that 'gave them' their 'Legal Existence'? Shouldn't they also be considered as 'Existing and Living' within a 'Democratic Social', as are all other 'Persons'. So why don't they engage in 'Democratic activity'? Why is a 'Created Economic Structure', existing within a 'Democratic Social', allowed to be solely 'Autocratic' in 'function'? Why can't they be Democratic in function? Why can't they also help 'contribute' to the 'Democracy' that allows for their creation? Maybe that would be a more 'Proper Capitalistic Function' of the 'Corporate Structure'? Wouldn't that be more 'Democratic' than 'Autocratic'? Maybe that would make us less a 'Corporate Society' and more of a 'Democratic Economy' in a 'Democratic Society'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.