Friday, March 15, 2013

Democracy follows the underlying form of the Constitution. The linguistic structure encapsulating the underlying form is the best that could have been done with language. Regardless its many limitations, it is amazingly clear that its a Peoples Constitution. The very begining states "We the People"; how can that be misunderstood? The current debate about gun control is an example of how interpretation can go wrong (especially from the point of view of so-called Party loyalty). One politicion compares a freedom with respect to the press(books) within the context of the First Amendment with the context of the Second Amendment dealing with the so-called freedom "to bear arms". It's a ridiculous comparison.( thank heavens there was an intelligent polititian responding to that suggestion. Lets hope people were listening) One needs only to read the Second Amendment within the context of when it was ratified (1791) to catch a glimpse of why it was necessary at the time. The Declaration of Independence was in 1776 and the Constitution drafted in 1787, the Bill of Rights was added in 1791. Those were 'wild days'. The debate between States Rights and Federal Rights was at its height. The Country was agrarian. Sure, the people needed weapons for self-protection. They still do! But, automatic weapons! Before long we're going to have one individual declaring war against his neighbor because he's amassing weapons of 'mass destruction'. Hey, don't laugh, one politician in office started a war with that same accusation. Lets engage in a little fantasy(the Supreme Court does). Imagine the 1% collecting weapons like they collect money and 'legal fictions'; now imagine that some twisted individual decides to produce and hoard automatic weapons and weapons of 'mass destruction'. Now, suppose that the 1% decides to fight the 99% ( sort of like South and North in the old days) with automatic weapons instead of with money and 'legal fictions'. You say, why, thats ludicrous and impossible! Is it? Comparing books to automatic weapons is also ludicrous. Oh well, enough imagination. Lets get real. Respect the Second Amendment, but view it withing the context of why and when it was ratified and what were the conditions existing at the time. Everyone wants to protect the Constitution, but don't use it to justify ridiculous outcomes. We should support the Second Amendment, but lets get real and forget so-called Party loyalty. We are a Country of Peoples; we are a democracy; everyone counts; we are Number; so don't let the children go unprotected. We can't keep the 'crazies' out, but we can keep weapons that mutilate and dismember out.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.