Sunday, March 17, 2013

Democracy is not a theory, its a life-style. Each and every human being has a life and is entitled to establish his or her life-style. This implies a freedom and an equality to choose the many different forms of life-style available within the culture. This life is expressed within a context described and protected by the Constitution. There is no compulsion to conform to ways of living set up by someone in authority. Of course, compliance with law and order is essential but if law is wrong,oppressive,or disorderly, it must be changed. The Top of a democratic form of government governs, the 'sides'(judicial) defines the parameters of the system and the people at the Bottom live their lives under the protection of the Top and the definitions of the 'sides'. The function of the Executive is to enforce the Constitution; the function of the Judiciary is to be objective about its interpretive practices and the 'function' of the people is to be law abiding. Up to this point, democracy is theoretical. But, democracy is more than just a theory. The democratic form works if all the parts of the triad are constantly in motion and in harmony with its triadic nature. The most important part of a democracy are the people at the Bottom. The reason for that is that the peoples lives are what is being governed. Without people, there is no need for government. The economy is also essential to a smooth running social but so are the freedoms and equality of the individuals in the social. Law created corporations and its no secret that the corporate form is an accepted 'legal fiction'. You can never shake-hands with a corporation. They exist only in "contemplation of law" and only for the purpose of increasing their huge 'economic grasp'. That's precisely why an individual is never in a position to compete with a corporation. And that's exactly why an individual is more important than a corporate structure. Now, democracy is a government "of people", "by people", "and for... people". Democracy is an equation. The unique-ness of human individuality is at the Bottom of the theoretical democratic structure and those individuals are real, not theoretical nor abstract. Each individual has a particular life style. Each is sacred. The importance of each individual life is why the bottom of theoretical democracy must be conceived as Number. Each number stands on its own integrity. Each is valuable as an individual number. Each is independent. Equations can be configured from individual quantities, but in an equation each number must retain its quantitative variable and must participate in the equation. In other words each number is important to the equation. Theoretical democracy is an equation and each individual life is vital to its success. Democracy is a life style. You choose your life style, but stay within theoretical democracy. Number never 'discriminates' against another number, they work with each other to configure the equation. In a similar manner, each individual must configure himself, herself, into the democratic equation.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.