Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Democracy is a 'form' of government, while Capitalism is a form of economic activity established and protected by the structure of the government. An economy cannot hold together without government. An econony needs government. Of course, a government needs an economy also, but it does not necessarilly need a capitalistic economy. At one time, our economy was agrarian. The point being that Capitalism is by nature anti-democratic because government is about freedom and equality of all the individuals being governed, while Capitalism is a form of economic activity originally founded on competition between individuals. The freedom to compete automatically creates imbalances in economic activity because one competes by means of the medium of exchange to acquire profits and possessions. There is no other reason for a competitive economy. Hence, economic activity is not based on the same freedom and equality of the governing process. Certainly, competition between individuals is healthy, and in the early years one individual could compete with another,if he or she so desired. That is no longer the case. Its impossible for individuals to compete with the economic monsters created and protected by government. The corporate monster becomes the focal point of economic activity. Not only is it futile to compete with a corporate structure but the law even states that a corporation is a "legal fiction". How can a real person compete economically with a fiction? No way! The bottom line is s/he can't! But, keep in mind that economic principles are separate from governing principles. We are not governed by economic principles, we are governed by democratic principles. Hence, the government created its own monsters and now has become the victim of another fiction called "the Market". Wow, thats surreal! Complete control has been transfered to the economy. What happened to democratic values? The government needs to become more involved in economic matters. I hear someone in the background hollering, "Socialist". But, its not a case of socialism, its a case of having permitted legal fictions to interfere with the right of individuals to compete in the economy. Government created the barriers, now government must attenuate them. There is nothing wrong with governmental control of the corporate structure. Of course, I'm not saying complete control, but the imposition of democratic functions would not harm the social nor the corporation. Of course, those who have benefited the most from the corporate structure have done so because they live and work in a democracy. Government already complies( to some extent) with its Constitutional duties to the people, so why not include a few duties in the corporate charter. If they don't comply, dissolve them.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.