Monday, March 18, 2013

People must have a Democratic government. Every democracy must have an economy. In spite of the intricate relation between the two principles underlying those two facets of the social, the democratic principle of government is completely different and separate from the principle underlying the economy. Democracy functions because each individual is free and equal, while the economy functions under a capitalistic system where everyone is free to compete and engage in economic activity using a medium of exchange to earn money and acquire property. The freedom and equality of each individual holds a democratic social together, while competition in the economy allows individuals to earn money and acquire property. Obviously and historically some individuals got a head start in the amassing of monies and properties and will protect and increase said possessions with all their might. Once at the top of the economy, they will never relinquish their position of being in the Top Ten. While the Darwinian impulse of the survival of the fitest might apply to economic Capitalism, it does not apply to Democratic principles. Freedom and equality are the motors of Democratic government, while profits and possessions are the motors of economic capitalism. The new Information society has helped an economy that functions on a quantitative basis, while a democracy and the assured Freedom and Equality of each individual does not benefit from a computerized, digitalized social. Why not? Because those qualities cannot be measured. That is why the Bottom of Constitutional Government must be quantified. The Top of Government governs the Bottom, viz. the social where all the people work and live. The bottom of any democracy must be conceived as Number because attributing the characeteristics of Number to the bottom allows for quantification of the democratic process and eschews the confusions of political language. Capitalism has flurished in our democracy not because some individuals worked harder, longer hours,or better quality of work, but because of the creation of the corporate structure, which is one, great, big, Legal Fiction. It then got Constituional protection as a "person" and recently has been allowed to contribute to politics. How on earth did we let an economic principle override a democratic principle? Its not that corporations are not necessary, they are, but they cannot usurp a democratic principle. Once they do, we're headed towards a Plutocracy. Computers function because they work with digits and quantifications. Once democracy, which is at the bottom of government, becomes quantified as Number, maybe we can establish some sort of algorithm for democratic principles. Where are our statesmen?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.