Sunday, October 6, 2013

Democracy is difficult

Democracy is not easy. Its difficult because it allows any 'qualified' individual at the Bottom of government to engage in politics and ascend to the position of political power. Since the strength or solidity of any Nation is its integrity as a Nation, the individual who ascends to a position of power must have a democratic spirit. In other words, the individuals in positions of power, must themselves have a democratic spirit. The freedom, equality and integrity of the individual in power will reflect the integrity of the national spirit. A democratic spirit respects and protects the individuality, integrity, freedom and equality of all individuals at the Bottom of Three Branch government. That's democracy. So why is that difficult? Because it is precisely the individual at the Bottom who has ascended to the Top who will 'govern'; and hence if that individual does not have a 'democratic spirit' s/he will not serve the People, s/he will serve something other than democratic values. A government "of People", "by People' and "for people" will espouse and protect democratic values, not economic values, the top 1%, or the corporate structure (legal fictions). Unfortunately, money has pervaded every branch of government. Although, money, in itself, is not bad; it's the greed that motors it that overcomes the human individual. Humans, being weak, and espousing value systems that are not democratic, have a difficult time living in a 'condition of togetherness' i.e. within a democratic nation. Democracy is difficult because politicians are 'weak' human beings. If individuals, particularly those who run for political office, were not weaklings and did not lack integrity as an individual, and who also respected the Freedom and Equality of others, we could have a strong democracy. Instead, the 'difficulty of democracy', coupled with Party differences, causes ideological skirmishes at the Top that cause harm to the Nation as a whole. That's also why we have a 'shut-down'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.