Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Well, the shut-down is almost over; or is it?

A government shut-down is the most ridiculous result that can be intentionally perpetuated by politicians against the People. It's not a 'political move' against the other Party; its a political move to get concessions at the expense of the People. But,that's a direct result of so-called Party loyalty; or just plain 'dirty politics'. The People always have to pay the price. Its such a basic realization; a shut-down does not harm the Parties, it harms the People. So, why do some politicians use the people as leverage and as a means of getting concessions. They should be proposing alternative solutions to problems of democracy; not 'damaging' the 'little democracy' that the Bottom enjoys. Both Parties should be democratic, only the means of 'practicing' democracy should be different. Obviously, one of the Parties is following an economic or 'money agenda'. When I say that we should not mix economic principles with democratic principles, I do not mean that the economy, as an important part of any Nation, is not important; I mean, the economy is 'driven' by 'profits' while democracy is 'driven' with "freedom and equality". There is no freedom and equality in economics. If there was, we wouldn't have a great economy; in the same manner, there is no 'profit' in democracy. If there was, we would be a Plutocracy. Oh, Oh, I just painted myself against the wall. Are we a Plutocracy? Well, we're not supposed to be. The Constitution says we are a democracy, " We the People...,. Then, why is there such a thing as the 1%? Were the 1% just more 'human' than any other 'human being'? No! They were more grasping and more greedy and they tapered laws to fit an economic agenda by requiring less duties from the 1% and corporations. They even fought against 'laborers' forming into Labor Unions and yet, protected corporations by creating a "fictional" entity and legally calling it a "legal fiction", which sounds more acceptable, but, in spite of all the trickery, remains 'mythological'. Our democratic values have become dislocated from their Constitutional base and, unfortunately, some Party loyalists love it. So much for Parties!

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.