Sunday, October 20, 2013

The only path to real democracy is Number.

Language is not working; by that, I mean political language suffices as a descriptive formulation of democracy as set out in the Three Branch structure of the Constitution and subsequent interpretations by the Supreme Court. Constitutional language is absolutely necessary. But, many of those formulations were all prior to the so-called Linguistic Turn. This is not to say that language was not problematic prior to the Linguistic Turn, but the Turn received its 'collective impetus' from Richard Rorty,s book, "The Linguistic Turn". Language as 'non-correspondence' with reality creates many gaps with respect to 'practical application' of democracy and democratic values. Of course, politicians were already adept at twisting language without the support and encouragement of the Turn. But, it may be useful for us to consider why in the economic sphere, language is not as important as it is in the political sphere. Basically, the reason is because 'language' as a medium of communication, does not refer, so much, to the 'organizational aspects' of the economy as it does to the 'end result' of economic activity, or medium of exchange of economic activity, which is money. (Of course, there is one case where it does refer to the 'organizational aspects' of the economy; i.e. "legal fictions"). Nevertheless, the economy is about profits and that means money and property. My point is that money is a quantification that can be counted. The 'counting' is important because it determines your 'class status' within a society. The 'status' of the individual is based on how much money or property s/he has. My point; why can't the Bottom of Constitutional government, which is "We the People...," also be quantified so as to determine whether any law or policy is sufficiently democratic to be Constitutional? I'm sure you heard the somewhat recent statement of an "ex-politician" say, (I paraphrase) " Look at the numbers". A good beginning point.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.