Saturday, October 26, 2013

In a democracy, the People at the Bottom need to organize

The Bottom in a democracy 'houses' millions of People. But, each is an individual and has the right and privilege to live his/her life anyway s/he pleases; of course, according to his/her needs and within the parameters of law. The Top of a democratic form of government already has a structure; is very well organized; and its offices are occupied by representatives from the different Parties. The Top doesn't have to organize; it already is. Neither do the Party-politicians. The problem with the Party-politicians is that they constitute only a select few individuals from the Bottom who espouse some Party ideology and who want to participate in politics( for whatever reasons). Of course, they're supposed to be 'representatives', but that's another issue. However, not everyone wants to be a politician. That, in itself, already limits the playing field. Nevertheless, the Bottom of politics also needs to organize. The reason for that is, simply, to be heard. Each and every individual that is 'offended' by government structures is actually harmed, in a real way, and hence needs to make himself/herself heard. However, there are no 'connections' in the relation of the Top to the Bottom, that 'run' upwards. The government relation only runs from the Top to the Bottom; 'nothing' goes up the relation, except, maybe, the right to vote, but that is spread out over the tenure of office. But, in the meantime, what do we do? But, if the Bottom organizes into a 'substantial' group, it can be noticed. Being noticed means having some kind of 'influence' on the policies that emanate from the Top, at the time of the installation of the policy. Why wait till the next election. The First Amendment does not call for the 'right to assemble' only on election years. Its an ever-present right. However, that raises great issues. How do we control such organizations? So, why can't we just pass laws that compel the already existing Parties to be democratic in a 'real' way? That would compel every politician to respect the "freedom" and "equality" of each real individual and it would place corporations in their 'proper' place.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.