Saturday, October 12, 2013

Why does politics have to 'suck'?

Politics is a noble endeavor. Maybe, I should have said, "politics should be a noble endeavor." The biggest problem in a 'political science', or in political activity, is that the only 'politicians' or 'statesmen' around, happen to be human beings. Unfortunately, it can't be any other way. There is no "Hal". So, why do human beings dressed in 'political garb' resort to 'childish games' when politicking? By seeking office, they are attempting to place themselves in positions of power. Once they get the position, they can exercise political power. Political power is a 'given' of the office. They don't have power before the election nor after leaving office. They're power is gone. Kaput. Nada. However, the 'given' power is a characteristic of the 'democratic conditions' of life. It's a political factor. It does not exist any where else. A politician or statesman should be motivated by 'democracy', since that should have been the motivation to ascend to a position of power in the first place. Only politicians and statesmen seek power. Ordinary human beings don't care if they have power or not. They're too busy 'getting a life' or, 'making money'. Life is about being able to go on living. Human beings who ascend to positions of power are involved in a serious matter. Their motivation, while in office, should be to insure that all the People are 'getting their democracy' i.e. GENUINE democratic laws, policies, and programs. The only way to implement real democracy is by means of a direct relation to the Bottom that includes all individuals within the referenced categories. So, why do politicians interest themselves in shutting down the very institution that gives them their power? Is there such a 'thing' as shutting down government, when it was the 'People' who elected the representatives of government? Maybe we should use a different term, like "no more money for these programs". If that's the case, why not tax "legal fictions" to reflect a more accurate representation of the 'increased economic grasp' ( by calling them 'persons') that government gives them? Why can't statesmen, politicians see where their real responsibility lays?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.