Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Democratic Government and a Capitalistic economy are usually at odds with each other.

Democracy can sometimes conflict with Capitalism. That's because each institution is driven by a different motor. The Freedom and Equality of the Individual, drives Democracy and the profit motive drives Capitalism. That's pretty obvious. Each institution must function within its particular domain. That's not as obvious. The two systems interact on a daily basis and both contribute to the success of the other. Nevertheless, the major problem in Democracy is that the Representatives in Government Offices do not properly represent the people within their particular areas, and instead have individual, selfish motives, for being in Office. Since Political Office 'holds' political power, many individuals compete for Office. While, the Capitalistic economy does not, in fact, have political power, it has great influence. That's why the rich and well-heeled seek political positions. In Office, they have power to try to help or structure the manner in which profits can be increased, guaranteed, or protected. They can pass laws that benefit the economy at the expense of the Freedom and Equality, of the individual. Profits are not a democratic value, and Freedom and Equality are not economic values. That's why most of the monies are held by the 1%. However, their comes a time when the social is confronted with a problem that does not respect 'democratic values' nor 'economic values'. That would be Ebola. Disease does not respect political or economic Institutions. That's the time when, all successful Governments, and all successful economies, can join hands to eradicate such a disease. If, before these events, the Country of origin was not helped to fight, its causes and its spread, its time that successful Nations and successful economies, come to the aid of that Nation. Disease is not a political Institution, nor an economic institution, and it does not respect any political Ideology. Its time that all successful Nations, and all successful economies, come together to fight a 'highly contagious enemy'; and, its time that everyone have more respect for the individuals who are on the 'front lines' trying to help those who have this disease.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.