Saturday, October 25, 2014

Nations and Governments have Power, but they are mainly Instituions of 'Servive'. They should 'serve' Humanity.

The biggest problematic on the Planet is the relation between the One and the Many. Allow me to reduce the issue to simple language. I am One, I am real, I am a Human Being You are One, you are Real, you are a Human Being We are all One, We are all Real, We are all Human Beings We are the Many, We are Real, We are all real Human Beings. But, The Many need Government The Many need to build Nations The Many need a Nation A Nation is not 'real', in the same way as You, and I A Nation is an Institution and it needs Power It needs Power to govern the Many. There is no other need for 'Power'. The 'Many' were here first. Don't get me wrong, at this point in history, we are all born into an existing Nation. But, a Political Institution should have a Government, of People, by People, and for People, because without People, or, the Many, there is no need for Nations. Nations need Power, so the issue is always ,from where does a Nation gets its Power, and why does it 'need' Power, if not to govern, the Many? Keep in mind, the human condition does not change, its always a 'chunk of Humanity'. Humans are 'born' and they 'die'. But, Nations arise as political Institutions; they don't die, they are eternal. So, why can't Nations use the Power they have to create a more peaceful and harmonious social? Sure, they are Institutions of Power, but also institutions of 'Service'. All Nations and all Governments are 'man-made Institutions'. The 'human condition' is always superior to the Political Identity. So, please do your Job.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.