Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Democracy, as a form of Governement, can be misunderstood.

Democracy as a form of Government can be misunderstood. Often, the concept is interpreted as allowing an Individual to do whatever s/he pleases and, also, as 'individually Equal' in the 'business world', the 'political world' and the 'social world'. From this negative posture, there follows the 'rationalization' that Individuals, in fact, are not equal in possessions, nor in wielding Power, nor in economic holdings, nor in having the same amount of money. In other words, we do not live in a Democracy, because we are not Free to do as we please, and we don't have the same 'power' or 'position' or 'influence' that some Individuals have. Actually, some of us 'don't want' all those things. The truth of the matter is that Democracy, as a form of Government, can not guarantee that we can have those things, only' that we are 'free' to pursue those 'goals', if we wish. Democracy does not 'automatically grant' or 'issue' anything; it only guarantees that we are free to pursue whatever goal we want within the confines of Law and Order, and assures us that we, all, are 'Equally human beings'. Our humanity is Equal, no one human being is 'superior', as a human being, than any Other human being. The social, 'playing field', must become 'well-balanced' in both, 'institutional structures', and legal boundaries, to 'insure' that our Freedom and Equality is not compromised. A democracy must protect and insure the Freedom and Equality of each Individual in the social. If that fails, we are free to "assemble and petition for redress of grievances" and that means, 'revolution'. "Occupy" is a revolution, but its 'limited' because of the divisions into 'private property' and 'public property'. The 'occupation' is 'real', but the occupation must 'take form' in our 'working knowledge' of a 'real democratic society', not a social, 'motored' by the economy, but, a social 'motored' by 'Freedom and Equality' of 'every individual'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.