Sunday, October 26, 2014

How can a Democracy become 'more democratic'?

How can a Democratic Form of Government, become more democratic? The answer is multifarious. Obviously, in the question, the Form of Government is already assumed to have been established. Some of the required Institutions are already in place in the social. Maybe, not all Institutions are in place, but the essential ones are properly established. The minute a Democratic form of government is established, the 'concerned Individuals' start to 'wrest' for advantage. Why? Well, when one realizes, that a Government that insures the Freedom and Equality of everyone, 'everyone' is in a 'political position', to become 'part' of the Institutional Structures that will be set-up. Hence, the instinct of 'self-preservation' in nature transfers to the social and becomes a 'competitive spirit'. The 'race' to occupy these Governmental positions, of course, is based on the fact that these political positions 'house political power'. ( Of course, there are altruistic motives also) Question? Is there any way to compete for these positions, without violating democratic principles? Well, maybe 'yes' and maybe 'no'. Nevertheless, the first thing the Individuals interested in these positions do, is that, they form into small groups of 'like-minded' individuals, or, in more political language, they form into 'Parties'. This immediately creates a dichotomy of 'us', and 'them'. Then, the 'competition' begins; needless to add, that not all political statements with regard to 'policy', 'programs', 'law', and, I must add, 'objectivity', are 'necessarily democratic'. Division into Parties creates an 'antagonism', somewhat 'mild', that mandates a decision; a decision that is 'required', if the individual wants to remain in that particular Party. Hence, divisions into Political parties, creates an antagonism, ( no longer 'mild') that easily becomes, what we call 'vicious political practices'. In other words, Individuals 'interested' in politics, usually forget their 'humanity'. How sad. We live in the best form of government there is, and yet, we 'lose' our humanity, when we 'vie' for political power. Can this be a 'real democracy'?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.