Friday, October 10, 2014

Governments may have political power, but the "People" have strength in Numbers.

Governments may have political power, but the people have strength in Numbers. All Governments exist for the purpose of governing their People. That should be obvious, but, unfortunately, some Governments think they have a right to exist as a separate political entity, without any concern or obligation to their people. In other words, some Governments believe they have a right to exist as a separate, independent political entity, with, or, without People. But, how can that be? A Government that has no People to Govern cannot exist. Regardless, the type of Government, People are essential to Government. That's why, a Terroristic Group, without a political agenda, cannot become a legitimate Nation or Government. Of course, the reason for that is that without a political agenda, their can be no 'intent' to set up a government. What, or, who, are they going to govern? 'Justifiable Revolutions' have a purpose and a political agenda, viz., to replace the existing Government, that is not perceived, as functioning properly. A 'Justifiable Revolution' has strength in Numbers, because it 'organizes' and 'animates' all the People at the Bottom of Government. Properly organized, a 'condition of togetherness' at the Bottom of Government, can reestablish a properly functioning Government; one that has the Welfare and the Well Being of all its People, as the primary reason, for existing.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.