Sunday, December 30, 2012

If all the money circulates at the Top only and if government is run on economic principles and if corporations continue to get 'extensions' of Constitutional rights that real human beings are entitled too, we will soon become a plutocracy.Of course, government has to know how to operate with economic principles in order to stabilize the economy, but government,as such, is operated on democratic principles. Governing is not about making a profit, its about governing and protecting the people that established Constitutional government, in the first place, and that means governing democratically. Governing democratically also means that the benefits, direct and indirect, of economic activity inures to the benefit of all the people. It is imperative that we clarify the relationshps between the two disiplines and that we not conflate them. The economy and money is essential to any Nation, particularlly on the international sphere, but the economy operates on separate and different principles. We cannot confuse the two; if we do we're headed towards a Plutocracy. On a practical level, that means the 1% will govern the people. Economic principles are essential to the economy, but if we apply economic principles to governing we are creating a government that favors the 1% and before long, the bottom might as well be called, as in the Middle Ages, subjects and serfs. Economic principles conflated with government is the most undemocratic manner of government. It takes us back to the 'elastic' and historical transition between Kingdoms and the Middle Ages; when the Authority of the Top began to loosen and the rights of the individual began to take root. In government, there is no higher source of authority for 'whatever' than the People. Stop talking about entitlements. The only entitlements that exist are those the people give to those they select to govern. But, they have those entitlements only for a limited number of years. But when that time is up, they must join all of us human beings at the bottom of government and they better hope its democratic.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.