Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Its ridiculous to state or imply that individuals are not created equal and hence government must protect the equality of all individuals within the jurisdiction of the State or Nation. I'll bet you a dollar that every human being is just as human as the other. Fancy housing, fancy clothing, more'talent',fancy cars, big boats, more money, all the so-called benefits of society amount too just more 'toys' to play with. What does any of that have to do with being human. Take another look, everyone is equally human. Those individuals that hold offices at the top of government are not superior than those who are governed. They are up there because the bottom voted for them and only for a short period of time. Take away their office, their money, their cars, their boats, etc. and whats left. In some cases, very,very, nasty human beings. Wow, "I'm better than you because I have more toys than you"; its not the 'toys', its the human condition stupid! Government exists because millions of people living together cannot and will not get along otherwise. Thats sad, but true. Individuals will always look for ways to find 'weaknesses' in the Other and power in themselves. Hence, democratic government is the fairest arrangement of power because its 'open' to everyone. Unfortunately, the end result is that humans divide themselves into opposing Parties and try to find weaknesses in the Other Party and power in themselves. Everyone wants to be superior and have power. Admittedly, we're in a mess. So, what do we do? The only thing we can do is try to form a democratic Party that will represent all the individuals at the bottom. If a democracy has two Parties, then both must be democratic, no matter what they call themselves. Surely, there's different ways of doing things, but none can be un-democratic. It's really very simple. If a politician is not going to represent "the people", he or she has no business being in office. All governments were created by people; government has never created any "people". Thats ridiculous! Who created the people? Regardless your answer, you can see that all human beings are equally human. People do not need government to give them equality: they are already equal, besides they were the ones who created government. Government, all Office holders and politicians should be grateful that "the people" has given them a job. Human beings are equally human and that equality is protected by the Constitution; thats why the First Amendment gives the people the right to peaceably assemble and petition the Government for redress of grievances. That, my friend, is the right to revolution.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.