Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The structure of a governmental system or the so-called relation of the One and the Many presents many problems. The Founding fathers had to face some of those problems. Although they attempted to resolve some of the issues that arises from that ancient relation, they were not concerned with a simple relation of the One and the Many. Instead, they had to weld together thirteen colonies, each already exercizing power and having a separate 'identity' from each other. The Confederation was not working. Hence, their greatest problem was the States determination to retain their independence and their power. Of course, no one wanted to relinquish their power as independent States. Hence, the central problematic was between a centralized source of power versus the separate power of each State. Neither prevailed. Instead the result was a Republic, where 'power' was held by the 'Representatives of the People'. Hence, the Constitution recognized a "Union of people" not States and organized the Government as a three branch government. However, language at the time of crafting was not problematic. Today, language is problematic and the Constitution is entirely written. It becomes imperative to conceive the Constitution in an accurate manner yet, differently. Its easy to see it as written because we understand its language.( which is not to under-rate the importance of interpretive practices) But, there is an underlying form that exists before it was given its linguistic structure. That's the underlying form. That form is geometric and mathmatical and that gives it its underlying geometric and mathmatical conception as Triadic. A government of Three Branches is triadic. A triadic government is dependent on the people at the bottom of the triad. In a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, the people are sovereign. Hence, problems of democracy can be approached mathmatically. Of course, we will always be dependent on language, but, in evaluating democratic policy we cannor discard the mathmatics of the problem. Language must conform to mathmatics and mathmatics must conform to the language.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.